
The blood glucose level is kept within narrow limits by the body. The organism thus produces an adequate supply of energy at any time. The food we eat is split into simple sugars (glucose) and serve the body as a fuel. The glucose is made accessible to the cells by means of insulin. It acts as a door opener without which the sugar could not pass from the blood into the cells. While the cells consume energy to perform their tasks, the blood glucose level drops. The pancreas regulates the necessary amount of insulin. If the body works over a longer period of time, the blood glucose level drops and from a certain point we feel hunger. On the other hand, cortisol and adrenaline provide the mobilization of stored energy and thus an increasing blood glucose level. It is particularly needed when the body no longer has any food available to cover the energy requirement. The adrenal glands must work more intensively to raise the blood glucose from the reserves.

People with adrenal fatigue may no longer be able to provide the required amount of cortisol. This means that the blood glucose level can not be regulated within the narrow limits and it drops too far. This manifests itself with various symptoms. We first experience fatigue as the cells are no longer supplied with energy. If the blood glucose level continues to decline, dizziness and vertigo may occur. In stressful situations this condition is exacerbated. The body quickly tries to generate more energy and produces insulin to get sugar into the cells. This will exacerbate existing hypoglycemia.


In most cases a hypoglycaemia occurs between meals from 10 am to 12 pm and from 3 to 4 pm. As a result, frequently quickly accessible energy carriers are eaten or stimulant drinks such as coffee or cola are drunk, which stimulate the adrenal activity. Simple carbohydrates and sugars are particularly suitable for quickly lifting the blood glucose level. This results in blood sugar spikes, which allow a quick energy gain and thus an energy boost. Unfortunately, this holds only a relatively limited time. After one to two hours the blood glucose level drops below the old level. If this is repeated all day, our body is finally exhausted.

It is therefore important to maintain a diet which has the lowest possible glycemic index. This means to prefer foods that release glucose only slowly. Counterdroductive are fast usable carbohydrates like noodles, bread and sugar (therefore also no soft drinks!). As far as grain products are consumed, they should be full grain products. Otherwise, other foods are preferable. High-quality proteins (fish, meat), animal fats, lots of vegetables and also raw food are recommended. Some more tips for diet can be found here.

A further possibility is to use the sugar substitute xylitol. This is a natural sugar alcohol produced by the human organism. The advantage is that it is largely metabolised independently of insulin and is therefore also suitable for diabetics. Therefore, xylitol causes the blood glucose level to fluctuate very little. Another positive aspect is its cariostatic effect. It inhibits the growth of caries-causing bacteria (Streptococcus mutans) and supports the remineralisation of the tooth. Xylitol can be used almost 1: 1 as normal household sugar and is just as sweet, only yeast dough will not work (as these bacteria die as well). At first, do not consume more than 30g as xylitol can cause a laxative effect (habituation will lset in) and NOT feed on dogs, rabbits etc.! Possible is a regular dental care with rinses or for brushing teeth. For this purpose, use pure xylitol powder.

For more severe forms of adrenal fatigue and major problems with blood glucose, products like Glucobalance or Bio-Glycenzymme-Forte may be helpful. They support the body with important nutrients and raw materials in the blood glucose regulation. An important mineral is the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) with chromium but also zinc and manganese.

Symptoms of (reactive) hypoglycaemia may be:

  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Fainting and dizziness
  • Nervousness, irritability, tremors, anxiety
  • Depression
  • Forgetfulness
  • Confusion and lack of concentration
  • Heart hunts and blacks in front of the eyes


The brain is sensitive to fluctuating blood glucose levels because it can not store glucose and requires a lot of energy. It loses performance and mental and physical behavior can change. In order to keep the blood glucose level constant, one should also eat smaller meals several times a day. It may even be appropriate to eat a snack in the evenings before going to sleep, in order to get through the night. In the morning the breakfast should not be left out.

In the case of a diet-related hypoglycemia, the pancreas can also be strongly burdened. It is constantly asked to release high amounts of insulin. This can lead to a reduced sensitivity of the body and disturb the blood glucose mechanism.