Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue (Hypoadrenia) is a condition of exhausted adrenal glands. This results in too little production of hormones and therefore a low metabolic energy (fatigue, burnout, etc.). The stress hormone cortisol is particularly important, but adrenaline and norepinephrine are also produced by the adrenal glands. Through the approach of a holistic therapy one can support the reconstruction of the adrenal glands and restore the original function. Patients with hypothyroidism can also suffer from weak adrenal glands, since both organs interfere with their metabolism. With an adequate support of the organism, it is possible to regenerate the organs. Exhausted adrenal glands can trigger the following symptoms:

Symtoms of Adrenal Fatigue

  • Low blood glucose / hypoglycemia
  •  Chronic fatigue / energy deficit
  • Low stress tolerance
  • Low body temperature / freezing
  • Brain fog / poor concentration, attention and poor memory
  • Low energy / fatigue
  • Depression / anxiety
  • Connective tissue weakness / poor wound healing
  • Immune disorders / allergies / recurrent infections
  • Inability to increase or lose weight
  • Low libido
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Indigestion
  • Reaction to inhalants
  • Dizziness when getting up quickly
  • Strong morning start-up difficulties
  • Demand for salty, fat or protein-rich foods (cheese, meat)
  • Needed coffee or stimulants to get started in the morning
  • Lack of energy in the morning and in the afternoon (3 pm - 5 pm)
  • Short-term improvement after meals
  • Improvement when stress eases, e.g. vacation
  • Tendency to tremor under pressure


... can be symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

A pronounced adrenal weakness may also be involved in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and multiple chemical intolerance (MCS). 'Lighter' stages may be associated with autoimmune diseases, allergies, sleep disorders, mild depression, burn-out, joint pain, fibromyalgia, or recurring infections (weak immune system).

Do I have Adrenal Fatigue?

If you are suspected of having an adrenal weakness, you can go through this questionnaire to see how severe the hormonal imbalance is. Common problems are bad sleep, uncomfortable sleep, strong morning start-up difficulties, problems to wake up, frequent (extreme) exhaustion, dry skin, difficulty concentrating and low body temperature.

Has anyone ever been able to help you eliminate your symptoms and no one ever diagnosed any physical causes? Then take your health into your own hands and begin to increase your metabolic energy. Frequently, a poor function of the thyroid and / or the adrenal is responsible for low energy. To increase it, the underlying problems should be addressed. Sometimes an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in women and testosterone in men is also the cause. When the original energy is again available, the body has the power to heal itself.

Possible Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Many of these nonspecific symptoms may have the same cause:

In general low body temperature, being cold, low energy or fatigue, weight problems (not slimming or can increase), slow wound healing.
Brain Depression, anxiety, bad memory / concentration, sleep disorders.
Immune system Under- or overreactions, frequent infections (skin, sinuses, bladder, intestine, pelvic infections, etc.), allergies, autoimmune diseases.
Muscles Muscle weakness, fibromyalgia (muscle or joint pain), repetitive injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome, weak connective tissue (ligaments, bones, etc.), headaches
Libido deficiency of libido and loss of function, menstrual disorders, infertility
Vessels low blood pressure, high blood pressure, Raynaud's disease
Intestinal blockages, flatulence, digestive disorders, irritable bowel
Nervous System

Numbness of the hands or feet (symmetrical), weak senses, e.g. Seeing, tasting, smelling

Skin dry, acne, pallor
Hair hair loss, thin, strawy, dry or greasy


These are primarily symptoms, as they can occur with a pure adrenal weakness. This includes a pale appearance, full eyebrows, weight problems (if serious), or difficulty (if moderate). Signs of hypothyroidism can be similar. In the case of pure hypothyroidism, however, a reddish facial color, thinning of the external eyebrows, rapid weight gain, depression, slugginess, excessive sleep, high blood pressure and increased susceptibility to infections are evident. Often, however, there is a mixed form of adrenal and thyroid gland weakness and therefore a mixed complaint. To find out what situation you are likely to be, you can use the various tools that are put together here.

It often happens that physicians treat thyroid function with a hormone substitution (T4 and / or T3) without first checking the status of the adrenal glands. If these are in a weak condition, it is likely that the medication achieved little or no success. It is even possible that a continuous increase in the dose results in an overloading of the energy control, the consequences of which the adrenal glands can no longer handle in the long term and continue to switch off. It may be that the adrenal glands and the symptoms of low energy return.

Adrenal fatigue in women

In women there is a close relationship between the ovaries, the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. When an organ is treated e.g. by medicines, this can unintentionally also influence another organ. If, for example, thyroid hormones are given, this can lead to disorders of the menstruation (ovaries) or a reduced stress tolerance (adrenal glands).

It is also often the case that hormones do not work effectively in the case of adrenal fatigue. Few hormones work optimally with pronounced adrenal fatigue. Several hormones such as insulin, progesterone, estrogen and testosterone can be affected.

Some resulting symptoms may include: irregular blood pressure, severe fluctuations in the blood glucose level, timidity of anxiety, or bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disorder) and irregular menstruation.

Ovaries and adrenal fatigue

In women, adrenal fatigue often occurs in their 30s or early 40s, usually through a stressful lifestyle. In the beginning, the adrenal glands produce even more cortisol in order to be able to cope with the stress. If, however, too much cortisol is produced, this also has negative effects. For example, cortisol blocks progesterone receptors, which can thereby react less effectively to progesterone. The production of progesterone, which can also be formed by the adrenal glands, comes to a halt in favor of the cortisone.

If insufficient progesterone is formed, this leads to an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen. However, if there is too little progesterone to eliminate the estrogen effect, this leads to a series of unpleasant side effects. This condition is also known as estrogen dominance. It is no coincidence that symptoms such as PMS, fibroids and premenopausal complaints accumulate when women are in their mid-30s and 40s.

It is interesting to note that most women complaining about hair loss, have problems with the adrenal glands. Hair loss is an indication of too much androgens. Some women form too much androstenedione, which is converted into estrone and testosterone. Testosterone is again converted into DHT, the more potent form of testosterone, which leads to increased hair loss. To eliminate this effect, estriol can be prescribed.

Any attempt to restore the hormone balance should start by eliminating adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands should be normalized as far as hormones are concerned. Replacing hormones without paying attention to adrenal fatigue is usually ineffective in the long run.

Antidepressants, thyroid hormones and other hormones of the ovaries usually further enhance the imbalance. The estrogen replacement is usually ineffective and the symptoms of estrogen dominance (heat buildup, weight gain around the hip, water retention, moodiness) are observed despite a sufficiently high estrogen level.

Causes of low metabolic energy

A bad energy state of the body can be caused by different stressors (stress). For each process in the body, a certain amount of energy is needed which it gains from the food in the cells (mitochondria). Sugars, fats, proteins, etc. are metabolised by enzymes in various metabolic steps in ATP (adenosine triphosphate). In this form it is used by all organs, e.g. the brain, the digestive system or even the immune system for its normal function. If too little ATP is available to make the best use of all procedures, discomfort can arise, which can be different for each individual (poor concentration, digestive problems or maintaining the body temperature). A low temperature usually reflects a low metabolic level of energy. People with Adrenal Fatigue usually have a low, fluctuating body temperature.

In addition to a weak function of the adrenal glands or the thyroid, other factors sometimes play a role. Chemical exposure (toxins), inadequate nutrition and lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, viruses or autoimmune diseases can limit the enzyme activities within the mitochondria and thus the energy production. Furthermore, a hormone imbalance (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, growth hormone) or a severe, low-calorie diet can cause such problems. In many cases, however, these are insufficient functions of the adrenal glands and / or the thyroid.

A normal response to stress is an adequate response of the adrenal glands. They adapt to the respective situation and release the required amounts of stress hormones. Stress is, in this case, every change that requires an adaptation of the organism. These include e.g. temperature fluctuations, rain, cold (climatic conditions), nutritional change, medicines and everything that threatens our survival of our well-being and our safety. Therefore, stress also includes infections, a lack of sleep and even a lack of love. On the other hand, the adrenal nerves help to counteract the rest, ie rest, sleep, pleasure, good nutrition (especially proteins), safety, stability and well-being.

Learn to what extent your metabolism can be impaired and how you can help your body return to an optimal balance and close the Energieleck. -> Phases of Adrenal Fatigue -> Diagnosis of Adrenal Fatigue -> Treatment of Adrenal Fatigue